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FIX A BIKE: Participants who provide their own bicycle will learn how to properly maintain it, while learning safe riding skills.



BUILD A BIKE: Participants will recieve a donated bicycle to take apart and rebuild, learning the necessary mechanical skills. At the end of the program, partipants will get to keep the bike.



CREATE A BIKE: Participants will learn how to prototype and design their own bicycle using computer based technology. They will then create their own bike with a modular design and test the prototype to find its strengths and weaknesses.










We are a Washington 501c3 nonprofit providing bike programs for kids. We inspire youth to think creatively and develop essential life skills, fine motor skills, and problem solving skills utilizing hands on experiences in a positive, safe, accessible environment that will increase their productivity in their community as safe conscientious riders.

© 2015-2021

​​15228 Lake Hills Blvd

Bellevue, WA  98007

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